Angry Birds, What is it?
Angry birds is a game developed by Rovio, available on Android, Iphone, Windows Phone and PC, particularly well suited for touch screens.

This site gives you the solution of certain levels of the game because there's nothing more frustrating than being stuck in a video game on which has already spent hours.

Archive for the ‘Angry Birds Rio’ Category

Angry Birds Rio – Golden Watermelon number 12 – Level 6-7

Here is the solution for to have the golden Watermelon number 12 at level 6-7 of the game Angry Birds Rio:

Angry Birds Rio – Golden Watermelon number 11 – Level 6-6

Here is the solution for to have the golden Watermelon number 11 at level 6-6 of the game Angry Birds Rio:

Angry Birds Rio – Golden Watermelon number 10 – Level 6-5

Here is the solution for to have the golden Watermelon number 10 at level 6-5 of the game Angry Birds Rio:

Angry Birds Rio – Golden Watermelon number 9 – Level 6-4

Here is the solution for to have the golden Watermelon number 9 at level 6-4 of the game Angry Birds Rio:

Angry Birds Rio – Golden Watermelon number 8 – Level 6-3

Here is the solution for to have the golden Watermelon number 8 at level 6-3 of the game Angry Birds Rio:

Angry Birds Rio – Golden Watermelon number 7 – Level 6-2

Here is the solution for to have the golden Watermelon number 7 at level 6-2 of the game Angry Birds Rio:

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